
Founder of HIYOGA - Rebeckh Burns

Rebeckh is the founder of Hot Yoga Works in Auckland. Rebeckh has been teaching Yoga for over 25 years, she has a designated Master Yoga Teacher accreditation by the International Yoga Alliance one of only 28 people globally to have this accolade. Rebeckh has authored a best-selling book on Meditation in her 20s, published by Harper Collins Australia, has studied Naturopathy and Metaphysics. Rebeckh is devoted from her heart to helping people to heal, empower and experience true health and wellbeing through practical techniques of Yoga and beyond with her expert guidance.

Buy her book here


Eleanor Xu

I stumbled into yoga in my late 20s at the time when I was a stressed out Engineer working up to 14 hours. During my introductory period, I felt and knew this was "it"... what my mind and body was craving for. Eventually I went for teacher training in the Fall of 2008. Have been teaching since. My daily practice is Key to the understanding of the Bikram Yoga ...and myself.


Gary Walker

Gary is a lifelong teacher and motivational coach. After teaching a number of different exercise classes, HITT Pilates has been his passion for the past year. Classes are always fun, friendly, motivational and will help challenge and support your fitness and physical goals.
With a background in Psychology, NLP and sustainability - the power of the mind determines our reality.
Come join in fun and fitness!


David Maxwell

Having practised yoga for 7 years and gaining his teacher’s qualification in 2014 at the Raddison in Los Angeles, David teaches hot yoga and leads our free Meditation classes every Wednesday. He loves bearing witness to the self improvement of others.


Santi Tania

Santi was born in Jakarta, Indonesia. She loves to travel. In 2016, she completed her study of clinical medicine in China. During her last year of study, she was introduced by an acquaintance about yoga. She tried almost all kinds of yoga and told herself “This is it! This is what my mind and body need.” After completing her bachelor’s degree, she returned home, stayed for a year before moved to New Zealand.

She decided to study Traditional Chinese Medicine in Auckland. She realised that she needs to create a balance between study and work. Yes!! The answer is yoga. She joined a 6-week challenge on July 2018 here at Hot Yoga Works. Since then she was hooked on the practice. Later she tried Hot HIIT pilates and never thought that workout could be so much fun with all the variations and music.

Now she teaches Hot HIIT pilates. She enjoys sharing her knowledge from medical perspective to get a better understanding in order to achieve the benefits. Perseverance and strong determination are the keys.

Great full body workout with awesome playlists to boost your day. Come, try and have fun!


Trish Haringa

I used to run past the Hot Yoga Works studio nearly every day as well as receive frequent suggestions from friends and acquaintances to 'try hot yoga'. It took me a looong time to get in the door and face the heat; my biggest barrier.

Hot yoga has lived up to its name. It is hot, it is challenging and it works. My regular practice has justly and fairy rewarded me mentally and physically and it continues to, both as a student and since 2014 as a teacher also ❤



I started practicing Bikram yoga in Dunedin 13 years ago at a time when getting out of bed every morning was a struggle. I had to contort my body into strange positions just to get my shoes on. My back was knackered from years of long distance driving and running. After practicing for three or four weeks my back was healthy again and I was happy.

I have continued on with my practice because I know how healing this yoga is, both physically and mentally and with five children and three grandchildren, it is important to me to be fit and healthy so I can enjoy my life with them all. I love the discipline of this yoga and believe that if you can get through these classes in the hot room, you can conquer anything life throws your way.

Isabella Qiu

I've been hooked on Bikram hot yoga since 2007 when I first started practicing, and have kept it up ever since. Over the years, I've studied Ashtanga yoga, Cross-fit, and Pilates. I took a Hot HIIT Pilates instructor training in 2019, and have taught Victoria Secret workouts as well. In the meantime, I've been studying physical therapy yoga and personal training coaching sessions in 2020. As a mandarin native speaker, I can coach you in English or Mandarin—whatever you prefer! In addition to all of that, my background includes aerial(flying) yoga and R.E.P.'s certification (Registered Exercise Professional). I do personal training sessions based on Victoria Secret inspired workout methods to helps those who want to get fit and gain muscle whilst losing fat! 

Click here to purchase a single personal training session

Click here to purchase a 10 class person training pack

Riccardo Mastrolillo

Riccardo is a passionate hot yoga instructor who believes everyone can benefit from this practice, regardless of their fitness level. He first took a hot yoga class in 2017 Melbourne, Australia, and he didn't like it. He found it too hard and challenging and couldn't understand why people would do it.

Riccardo is now a certified hot yoga instructor, and he loves teaching others about the benefits of this practice. He believes that hot yoga can be challenging but incredibly rewarding, and he is passionate about helping people achieve their fitness goals.

The thing that Riccardo loves most about teaching is inspiring people to push themselves and achieve their goals. He believes everyone can find their unique way to connect with hot yoga, and he loves seeing people find their own path to transformation.

Riccardo is a dedicated and passionate instructor committed to helping his students reach their full potential. He is a great example of how hot yoga can transform lives, and he is an inspiration to all who know him.

Valentyne Tuiavi’i

Ngati Awa, Ngati Kahungunu, Samoan

My yoga journey started during pregnancy in 2016. I did my first hot yoga class at Hot Yoga Works studio in 2023 and really loved the practise no matter how challenging it felt during the 90 minutes.!

As a mother, prioritizing my health and fitness isn't just about personal well-being; it's a powerful example I set for my daughter, showing her the value of self-care and nurturing our bodies through practices like yoga, which infuse vitality into our lives. 

Fionnuala Followell

I was training for the Auckland Marathon in 2013 and a colleague suggested I try Bikram as a good stretch might help. I wasn’t convinced, I was a runner - not a yogi! I don’t remember much about my first class, but I was instantly hooked.

I completed my teacher training in Spain 2019 and remain a devoted student of this healing practice; it is integral to my physical and mental health.